
You are beautiful !

What is the definition of beautiful women. 
Her fairness, slim body ,face. Today we all wants to look beautiful. For that we dress up and apply makeup. Take care of ourselves .We feel proud when we get compliments. But what about   them who gets tease because of their body shape, their color . 

For me everyone is beautiful. Nobody has any right to tease you about your body shape or color . You have to feel beautiful. Beauty is not about your outer appearance. It's about your thoughts and behavior. 
If you feel beautiful you look beautiful. No matter what others think about you, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. If you feel beautiful that's boost your confidence. 

Beauty is when you appreciate yourself. When you  love yourself, that's when you are most beautiful. Beautiful soul and mind make you beautiful .Your smile makes you beautiful. Your work makes you beautiful. 

So hey ladies listen to me you're beautiful. 
You're mother, daughter, sister and so much. You handling your responsibility very beautifully .When you wake up at morning start working in kitchen for your family. At that moment you are  beautiful. When you are taking care of your new born and you doesn't have time for yourself, you are most beautiful. Don't you dare to think that your not beautiful. So enjoy your beauty and be happy. 

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  1. Indeed I feel the same.... Let's not be judgemental about anyone whatsoever and beauty can never be considered quality

  2. Everyone is beautiful, I agree with this. And it's the little imperfections that make us unique and special.

  3. I think people who judge others, are really judging themselves; often seeing something they hate in themselves in others and therefore judging...when I started loving myself, it became much easier to love others!

  4. people shood more often stop to think in things like you said here, it wood make a real diference

  5. I totally agree - beauty is about who you are on the inside & accepting yourself no matter what you look like

  6. I think each person is beautiful regardless anything. You are beautiful!

  7. Beauty is in the eyes of beholder. Everyone is beautiful. Sadly many don't understand that.

  8. This is an important post as so many people hate their looks because they compare themselves to what they see on television or in magazines. You are right. We are all beautiful

  9. 1000% agree that everyone is beautiful in the own way. So many people are told otherwise and that's one reason we have so much violence and hate.

  10. Such a wonderful and uplifting pkst. It is so true. We all think we are only beautiful when we are made up but who we are and what we do in the day to day is what really makes us beautiful.

  11. I think it's so important for everyone to feel beautiful, regardless of if they fit in that super narrow definition of "beauty" that the media feeds us. Self-confidence and self-love, especially when they shine through, is what's truly beautiful!

  12. I agree, we are all beautiful beings. :)

  13. I always do believe that beauty comes from within, and we should not judge nor say bad to others. God created us beautifully.

  14. I think beauty definitely emanates from within. And I love how you incorporate positive affirmations in your life!

  15. I love this, thank you so much for sharing. We all deserve to feel beautiful, it's so important.

  16. Yes! People need to hear this more and more!

  17. This is something that so many more women need to hear. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful.

  18. What a great and empowering post! It is so true that beatu comes from within yourself and we should embrace that as much as we can, especially to one another. Thanks for sharing!

  19. We women can be so hard on ourselves. I hope these words reach someone having a tough time.

  20. I think it is so important to celebrate all types of beauty. Self acceptance can be difficult, but is so empowering.

  21. I love this post! Everyone is unique in their own way and that make them beautiful, it not all about looks.

  22. Thanks for the encouragement. Everyone is unique and special, with opportunities to impact the people around them.

  23. Very inspiring. Always good to remember our value and not be down on ourselves.

  24. This is so true. We are all different and unique in our own ways. If we were all the same, then this world wouldn't be such a diverse and beautiful place.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.


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